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Request for download

Thank you very much for downloading my wallpaper collection.

You can request the 10.000+ wallpaper collection with two easy steps:

1. Please make a transfer to my BTC address: 1LSxuRE4hT8aGj3b757MouifhVmkNaL2gN

You can use the QR code as well. As I already mentioned the amount of the transaction is up to you.

2. In order to identify your transaction please send me the date and the time when you performed it. I'm happy if you write about yourself a bit - this way I can send you a more personalized "thank you" message. Of course it's not mandatory if you don't want. :)

To contact me, please use the contact box below.

--> After you are ready with these 2 steps I will share a GoogleDrive link with you from where you can download the content. As I don't always have permanent internet connection, it could take up to 24 hours until I contact you back, but usualy I answer within a few hours.

Thank you very much, I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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